Donald Trump Plastic Surgery Makeover

Make Donald Trump Look Great Again

Whether we like it or not, Donald Trump is the 45th President of the United States of America. And while his policies continue to drive an even bigger gap between the people of this great country, one thing Americans everywhere can agree on is the man’s dire need of a proper makeover. What do you think of a Donald Trump plastic surgery?

Last January, the good people at GQ put together a quick video that explored what our Commander-in-Chief could look like with a simple change of wardrobe, and the results were outstanding. A well-fitted suit and a haircut did wonder for President Donald Trump.

This, of course, left us asking ourselves,

How much better would Trump look if we gave him a full cosmetic makeover?

We started with full 360-degree liposuction to provide him with a semblance of shape. This was followed by a round of gynecomastia surgery. While most men would shy away from the presence of ‘man boobs’, we forced the President to take a long hard look in the mirror and accept the fact that something had to be done.

With a tighter chest and a sudden boost of stature, we proceeded with a quick arm lift to show off his somewhat defined arms. This was followed by another round of liposuction, this time around the neck, and boy, what a difference this made! No one has seen Donald Trump’s jawline since 1986!

A little Blepharoplasty to fix the eye bags and some quick touches of Dysport and Restylane went a long way in smoothening the President’s face. Topped off with a Microdermabrasion Facial to smoothen the skin and a hair transplant to fix that mop once and for all, and voila: a 45th President who not only feels good but looks good too!

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