gynecomastia can make new man

Gynecomastia Surgery Can Make You A New Man

gynecomastia can make new man

Usually, when one thinks of breast reduction surgery, the most common thought is of a woman with overly large breasts having them reduced. However, and this may come as a surprise, there is a condition that affects Houston men, and men around the world called Gynecomastia.

Gynecomastia isn’t a condition that a lot of people are familiar with. It is the result of overdeveloped breast tissue in men. Naturally, this condition would be a problem for most men. No guy likes the idea of having breasts that resemble a woman’s breasts.

Gynecomastia: Causes & Treatment

The cause of Gynecomastia is frequently due to a hormonal imbalance that involves a high level of estrogen and progesterone during adolescence. It can also be caused by heredity, obesity, medications, steroid abuse, and other medical problems. What’s more, the condition is associated with marijuana abuse.

This condition is not that uncommon and includes a whole range of men that have breasts that are hardly noticeable to obvious over development. There are different types of Gynecomastia, and each may call for a different type of Gynecomastia surgery. Depending on whether the condition is pure glandular, or adult-onset, or another type, there are different remedies for each circumstance. A mild condition can be treated with liposuction. If it is more severe, a breast reduction and liposuction may be the best course of action.

Gynecomastia is not dangerous, but it can have a psychological impact. As mentioned above, it could be extremely embarrassing and cause emotional issues in an individual. Young men who are reaching puberty and find themselves with this condition can suffer a great deal of anxiety. Fortunately, the problem often resolves itself with the end of puberty.

Healing from the surgery

The recovery from Gynecomastia surgery is fairly mild. There is usually soreness for about three to five days, which is controlled with prescription pain medications. A compression vest is customarily worn for about two weeks and smoothens the progress of healing. There will be bruising which is more often than not gone in around two weeks. At about two to four weeks, patients can begin to resume normal activities. Swelling can persist for up to three months.

What you can do

If you find yourself suffering from this condition, your best plan is to see your physician and have them recommend a treatment. If they refer you to a Gynecomastia surgeon, then you will undoubtedly go through the liposuction procedure.


It is wise to make sure that your surgeon has experience in the procedure and is board-certified. Even though this treatment is relatively mild, it is still a surgery, and therefore, you want the best possible surgeon to perform it. This will ensure safety and desired results.

There is no reason why you should suffer from, and be embarrassed by this condition. It is simple enough to find a plastic surgeon, schedule the procedure, and become a new man.

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