recycle fat with a Brazilian Butt Lift

Recycle Fat With A Brazilian Butt Lift

recycle fat with a Brazilian Butt Lift

What would a Houstonian woman not like to have a perfect bottom? Exercise and diet can somewhat impact your backside, but you are pretty much at the mercy of genetics in achieving a perfect, round, uplifted derrière. Unless, of course, you take the plunge and go for a Brazilian Butt Lift.

What is a Brazilian Butt Lift? Well, I am glad you asked. BBL is a method that plastic surgeons use to shape and contour your rear end. How do they do that? Very carefully. All kidding aside, it is a procedure that is gaining popularity worldwide as a process to reshape the bottom that nature gave you.

Brazilian Butt Lift Houston

Got interested in a Brazilian Butt Lift?

Here at Memorial Plastic Surgery, we offer butt lift procedures to patients in Houston who have the right BMI and have enough amount of fat for harvesting.

Learn more about this procedure at
Brazilian Butt Lift in Houston >

The Brazilian Butt Lift Procedure

The procedure makes use of fat taken from other parts of your body to enhance your booty. Typically, plastic surgeons harvest fat from areas abundant in extra fat, such as your thighs, hips, and tummy. We use liposuction to remove the fat from these areas for the butt lift procedure.

This accomplishes two cosmetic goals: It removes excess fat from areas that need to have it removed, thereby providing a shapely contour, and then the fat is used to reshape your buttocks.

Once the fat is harvested, it is purified and then transferred to the backside by a lipo-injection procedure. This procedure has an advantage over typical implants in that the result is a rounded, lifted, and perkier bottom. The procedure takes several hours to perform.

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Some Advantages of the BBL Procedure

BBL surgery is not as invasive as some plastic surgery procedures. The incisions for the liposuction stage of the operation are relatively small, and scarring is minimal. Depending on the operation’s extent, local or intravenous sedation may be used for the procedure without a general anesthetic.

Recovery time varies, but it is typical to return to work within five days. If there is any discomfort, it will be in liposuction areas and managed with pain medication. The use of your body fat eliminates the worry of infection and implant rejection. Since no foreign matter is introduced into your body, there is nothing for your body to fight. The procedure can be performed combined with additional liposuction treatments to enhance your figure with nearly one operation further.

Brazilian Butt Lift Before and After Photos

Into everyone’s life, a little rain will fall, and your bottom will sag. If this happens to you, you may locate and engage a highly qualified plastic surgeon who knows his way around the Brazilian butt lift surgery. If you have pockets of fat on other parts of your body from which the surgeon can harvest for the procedure, you are the right candidate.

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