meet dr. MCelwee
Dr. Tyler J. McElwee is a Facial Plastic Surgeon, Board-Certified in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery specializing in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery of the face and neck. He routinely performs deep plane facelifts and neck lifts, rhinoplasties, upper and lower blepharoplasties, facial fat grafting, lip lifts, buccal fat reduction, and a host of other facial rejuvenating and reconstructive procedures. He stays up to date on the most state-of-the-art techniques to give his patients the best and longest-lasting results. He also specializes in non-surgical procedures including the innovative use of injectables (including Botox, Dysport, Xeomin, and filler products), laser skin resurfacing, hair restoration, and many others.
Dr. McElwee’s passion for facial plastic surgery is founded in his commitment to patient care. With meticulous attention to detail, he combines artistic aesthetics with scientific rigor to achieve natural results that leave his patients feeling confident in the face they show the world. His philosophy is that self-esteem and confidence are the cornerstones for social interactions. Hence, he tailors his approach to meet each patient’s specific needs, ensuring beautiful, natural rejuvenation. Recognizing the significant commitment these procedures represent, he is dedicated to honoring that trust with exceptional care.

Tyler McElwee, MD

Facial Plastic Surgeon, Board-Certified in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
Dr. Tyler J. McElwee is a Facial Plastic Surgeon, Board-Certified in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery specializing in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery of the face and neck. He is an active member of multiple academic societies including the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery.

Tyler McElwee, MD - Facial Plastic Surgeon in Houston, Texas

Early Life and Education
Originally from New Orleans, he became a Texan in high school and graduated summa cum laude from Texas A&M University with a bachelor of science degree in Biology. He then obtained his doctorate in medicine at the prestigious Baylor College of Medicine where he was awarded a scholarship for academic excellence.
Dr. McElwee completed his rigorous surgical training as an Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery resident at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center in New Orleans. Here, he participated in numerous research endeavors and authored many peer-reviewed publications. Moreover, he has been invited to speak at both national and international meetings. It was also during his residency reconstructing head and neck cancer defects that he developed a passion for facial plastic surgery as he loved restoring patients’ self-esteem and giving them “their face” back.
After residency, Dr. McElwee was selected for a highly coveted fellowship in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery with world-renowned facial plastic surgeon Dr. Louis DeJoseph in Atlanta, GA. Here, he focused on cosmetic procedures of the face, nose, neck, eyes, and scalp. His fellowship training allowed him to perfect his skills in face and neck lifts, rhinoplasties, ocular rejuvenation, and many other surgical and non-surgical procedures in facial plastics. In his surgical training, he has performed thousands of surgeries on the head, face, and neck.
Personal Life
In his personal life, he enjoys spending quality time with his family, wife, and their dog, Apollo. He enjoys playing tennis, cooking, traveling, sports, and a variety of outdoor activities including hiking in national parks.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- 2020 – McElwee T, Poche N, Sowder J, Hetzler L. Management of Acute Facial Nerve Paralysis and Parotid Injuries. Dec 2020. Facial Plastic Surgery.
- 2018 – Prasanth Pattisapu, Malia Gresham, Tyler McElwee, Jeffrey Vrabec, Matthew Carlson, Alex Sweeny. Facial Nerve Trauma: A Call for Minimum Reporting Guidelines. April 2018. Otology & Neurotology.
- 2017 – Yi-Chun L, McElwee T, Musso M, Rosenberg T, Ongkasuwan J. The reliability of flexible nasolaryngoscopy in the identification of vocal fold movement impairment in young infants. Sept 2017. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology.
- 2016 – Yi-Chun L, McElwee T. 2016. Choanal atresia repair. CSurgeries. [accessed 2016 February 20]. https://csurgeries.com/video/Choanal-Atresia-Repair/
- 2015 – Yi-Chun L, McElwee T. 2016. Bilateral dacryocystocele resection. CSurgeries. [accessed 2016 February 20]. http://www.csurgeries.com/video/bilateral-dacryocystoceles-resection/
Presentations (Local/International)
- 2022 – McElwee, T. Hetzler, L. Anatomic Considerations of Perinasal Musculature for Improved Dental Show During Smile in Facial Synkinesis. International Facial Nerve Symposium April 2022 (Virtual)
- 2020 – McElwee T, Mankekar G, Sevy A. Force Feedback in a Middle Ear Surgery Simulator. Poster presentation at the American Academy of Otolaryngology September 2020 (Virtual)
- 2020 – McElwee T, Dunham M, McWhorter A, Xu J, Li Z, Li Z. Optical Biopsy of Vocal Fold Lesions: Delivery Systems and Validation for Raman Spectroscopy during Flexible Fiberoptic and Rigid Telescopic Laryngoscopy. Poster presented at Louisiana State University Resident Research Day 2020 (Virtual)
- 2016 – McElwee T, Mills J, Lapointe B, Pisimisis G, Barshes N, Chung J, Kougias P. Natural history of aneurysm neck size progression after endovascular repair of infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm. Presented at the Southern Association for Vascular Surgery 2016 (Cancun)
- 2016 – Yi-Chun L, McElwee T, Musso M, Rosenberg T, Onkasuwan J. The Reliability of Flexible Nasolaryngoscopy in the Identification of Vocal Fold Movement Impairment in Young Infants. Poster presentation at Baylor Resident Research Day 2016 (Houston)

Doctor Credentials
- M.D., Baylor College of Medicine
- B.S., Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, Summa Cum Laude
- University of Texas Medical Branch, Integrated Plastic Surgery Residency
- University of Texaxs M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Reconstructive Microsurgery fellowship
- American Academy of Facial and Reconstructive Surgery
- American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery