facelift can combat age discrimination

How Facelift Can Combat Age Discrimination

facelift can combat age discrimination

We have a youth-oriented culture in Houston. Our society at large is focused on being young. It is almost an obsession. A correlation to this fascination with youth is a negative aspect known as ageism. Ageism is stereotyping and discriminating against individuals based on their age.

Ageism is felt nowhere more significant than in the job market. With so many people graduating from college with new skills and new knowledge, it is harder for older people to compete for the same jobs. Not only do employers seem to prefer more youthful employees, they know that they can pay them less than the older, longer-established workers. There is a way to combat this age-long issue of ageism with a plastic surgery procedure called a facelift.

Developments in Facelift

In this day and age, most people have heard of the procedure. If they don’t know someone who has had the surgery, they have certainly seen celebrities in the news. There are some misconceptions about the procedure that might prevent people from considering it.

At one time, the procedure might have left your face with a stretched and pulled look. People think, and rightly so, that if it’s obvious you had a facelift, then there is no point in the surgery. This is no longer the case.

The facelift procedure has been refined over time to yield extraordinarily remarkable results:

  • Wrinkles and fine lines are eliminated
  • No more “jowly” appearance from the loose skin along the jawline
  • The creases that form alongside the nose can be smoothed out
  • Overall rejuvenation is given to the face

The facelift procedure could take up to 10 years of age from your face, essentially turning back the clock for almost a decade. When you look in the mirror today, think about the face that looked back at you ten years ago.

Age should never be a hindrance

There are a lot of reasons why people have facial surgery. Generally, it is for vanity purposes. No one wants to age, or look older than they feel, or older than their years. These are valid reasons for choosing cosmetic surgery.

However, in today’s job climate, looking younger is almost a necessity when it comes to your livelihood. If you find yourself in the position of competing with younger people for work, and you are worried that your appearance may be an impediment to advancement or to being hired, you should consider the facelift procedure.

It is a simple matter of scheduling an appointment to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon. They can determine if you are an ideal candidate for the procedure and if the procedure is the appropriate one for your situation.

Once you decide to have facelift surgery and engage the services of a plastic surgeon, you need to schedule a time for the procedure and the recovery. You may want to leave enough time to be fully recovered from swelling and bruising for a few weeks after the procedure.

When you are fully healed and see the results, you will be excited about your new face. While a facelift will not halt the aging process, if you take good care of your face and follow your doctor’s guidelines, the procedure’s results will last for a long time. It will allow you to have a more level playing field in an employment situation.

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