Some patients, especially those who are on their first consultation, can occasionally be intimidated in the presence of their plastic surgeon. While understandable, it undermines the purpose of such sessions which is to open the line of communication between patients and their potential surgeons. You as a patient must have list of questions to ask your plastic surgeon for a safer and more comfortable surgery.
In the absence of hesitation, doctors would be able to address the perceived information imbalance by giving patients ample time and opportunity to ask their own questions and together, address pending concerns.

Choosing the Right Plastic Surgeon
Choosing the right plastic surgeon is one of the vital steps in undergoing surgery. Here are tips you may follow when looking for a plastic surgeon.
Plastic Surgeons Answered their Five Favorite Questions
Among the numerous inquiries we are plied with, the five listed below emerge as favorites. They have been dubbed as such not because they are trivial, but because they are great indicators of how the relationship between doctor and patient will go.
1. What results can I realistically expect?
Even though most patients claim to have reasonable expectations, you might be surprised how often people harbor dreams they perhaps didn’t even realize they had.
We, the plastic surgeons, especially appreciate it if you don’t ask us to replicate a celebrity’s body part.
2. What factors will contribute to my surgical outcome?
Patients need to understand that there’s a long list of factors that will influence the outcome, not just the plastic surgeon’s skills and experience.
These factors include age, skin’s elasticity, smoking history, nutrition level, and more. Mother nature is a very involved third party as well.
3. What are the key things I can do before surgery to ensure a good experience?
We see this question as a favorite since it allows us to reiterate specific instructions, such as preparing for general or sedation anesthesia with anti-nausea measures on-hand, and more general instructions about which medications to suspend and when to stop consuming alcohol and smoking, and so on.
4. During recovery, what should I be patient with, keep an eye on, or be alarmed about?
Patients should contact their surgeons if they notice bleeding, asymmetric chest enlargement, or significant pain, or if they have any other concerns.
Ask if there’s information online you can access during your recovery or a medical assistant you can call.
5. What can I do to maximize and prolong my results?
From advice about wearing a surgical bra after your procedure to investing in good quality bras for the long run; from protecting your face from the elements right after facelift surgery to wearing sunscreen every day, we are glad to tell our patients everything we know about prolonging the effects of surgery.
We are happy to welcome you back for another procedure in the future – a different procedure! We too want your results to last and last.